Thursday, August 20, 2015

5e Satyri Monk

This character is based on my current Neverwinter Nights OC character, my satyri monk, Mili Swift. Satyri are another of DPRagan's creations. The one I used for Mili was the sort that were created by cursed soap. Their demonic appearance is purely cosmetic. Other than that they just normal humans. In this case, however, we're going with a tiefling, which is more like those of DPRagan's satyri which were created by a demon sucking away their humanity.

EDIT: Sword Coast Legends Adventurer's Guide Tiefling Variant using Winged instead of Infernal Legacy. Of course, the NWN couldn't do flight, but oh well. It fits.

Since I am reskinning here and the satyri are essentially humans that look like demons, I could just use the human race and say the characters looks demonic, but since there is a race that is already physically described in a manner similar to the satyri, I'm going with that.

I will stick with the background that the transformed character was taken into a monastery to keep them protected from bigotry motivated assaults. So the background will be Acolyte.

I was briefly considering on using the Dual Wield feat somewhere in this build thinking "hey, monk weapons now increase in damage with unarmed attacks, so the kama dual wield build works just as well as unarmed." However, nope, not really. Both the monk "Martial Arts" ability and two-weapon fighting make use of a Bonus Action in order to take an extra attack. I could still use two sickles (kamas), and probably will, but won't take Dual Wield feat because that would be taking a Feat in order to make the basic Two-Weapon fighting the equivalent of the Martial Arts class ability that the character already has.

I'm using the 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10 array.

1st Level Statistics

Tiefling Monk 1st Level
Str: 13
Dex: 15
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 14
Cha: 12

HP: 9
AC: 14

Proficiency Bonus: +2

Initiative: +2

Hellish Resistance
Winged - Fly Speed 30 ft

Armor Proficiencies: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Short Swords
Tools: Reed Pipes
Saving Throws:Strength, Dexterity
Languages: Common, Infernal, Two Others

Proficient Skills
Acrobatics (Monk) +5
Athletics (Monk) +3
Insight (Acolyte) +4
Religion (Acolyte) +3

Background: Acolyte


Class Abilities
Unarmored Defense
Martial Arts (1d4)

2 Sickles (Kama)
Explorer's Pack
10 Darts (Shuriken)
Holy Symbol
Prayer Book
5 sticks of incense
Common Clothes
15 GP

Reasoning: Like most of my NWN characters, Mili is not much one for stealth. She has picked up an ability to disarm traps and open locks, so I will likely add that ability in at about 6th or 7th level based on the rules for picking up tool proficiency over time in the player's handbook. It doesn't require any leveling resources, it simply requires a certain amount of money and days spent practicing.

2nd to 5th Level

2nd Level - Ki, Flurry of Blows, Patient Dodge, Step of the Wind, Unarmored Movement +10, +6 HP

3rd Level - Monastic Tradition: Way of the Open Hand, Open Hand Technique, Deflect Missiles, +6 HP

4th Level - Ability Score Improvement: Athlete (Dex +1), +6 HP

5th Level - Extra Attack, Stunning Strike, Martial Arts: 1d6, Proficiency Bonus +3, +6 HP

Reasoning: Since the character in the OC campaign is the basic 3.0 monk, I went with the Open Palm, which follows that path fairly faithfully. The Ability Score improvement went toward the Athlete feat which brings Dex to an even number. I considered adding +1 Str, +1 Dex, but Strength isn't all that useful to this build.

5th Level Statistics

Tiefling Monk 5th Level
Str: 13
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 14
Cha: 12

HP: 33
AC: 15

Proficiency Bonus: +3

Initiative: +3

Hellish Resistance
Winged - Fly Speed 30 ft

Armor Proficiencies: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Short Swords
Tools: Reed Pipes
Saving Throws:Strength, Dexterity
Languages: Common, Infernal, Two Others

Proficient Skills
Acrobatics (Monk) +6
Athletics (Monk) +4
Insight (Acolyte) +5
Religion (Acolyte) +4

Background: Acolyte

Feats: Athlete

Class Abilities
Unarmored Defense
Martial Arts (1d6)
Ki: 5 Points
Flurry of Blows
Patient Dodge
Step of the Wind
Unarmored Movement (40 ft)
Monastic Tradition: Open Palm
Open Hand Technique
Deflect Missiles
Extra Attack
Stunning Strike

2 Sickles (Kama)
Explorer's Pack
10 Darts (Shuriken)
Holy Symbol
Prayer Book
5 sticks of incense
Common Clothes
15 GP

6th to 10th Level

6th Level - Ki-Empowered Strikes, Wholeness of Body, Unarmored Movement (+15 ft), +6 HP

7th Level - Evasion, Stillness of Mind, Thieves Tools Proficiency, +6 HP

8th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Wis, +6 HP

9th Level - Unarmored Movement Improvement, Proficiency Bonus +4, +6 HP

10th Level - Purity of Body, Unarmored Movement (+20 ft), +6 HP

Reasoning: I believe it would be possible to spend 250 days and 250 GP training Thieves Tools by level 7. I haven't used that option in other theoretical builds, but it is an official downtime option. I increased Wisdom which will improve both the Saving Throw DCs and defenses of the character.

10th Level Statistics

Tiefling Monk 10th Level
Str: 13
Dex: 16
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Cha: 12

HP: 63
AC: 16

Proficiency Bonus: +4

Initiative: +3

Hellish Resistance
Winged - Fly Speed 30 ft

Armor Proficiencies: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Short Swords
Tools: Reed Pipes, Thieves Tools
Saving Throws:Strength, Dexterity
Languages: Common, Infernal, Two Others

Proficient Skills
Acrobatics (Monk) +7
Athletics (Monk) +5
Insight (Acolyte) +7
Religion (Acolyte) +5

Background: Acolyte

Feats: Athlete

Class Abilities
Unarmored Defense
Martial Arts (1d6)
Ki: 10 Points
Flurry of Blows
Patient Dodge
Step of the Wind
Unarmored Movement (50 ft - Vertical and Liquid Movement)
Monastic Tradition: Open Palm
Open Hand Technique
Deflect Missiles
Extra Attack
Stunning Strike
Ki-Empowered Strikes
Wholeness of Body (30)
Stillness of Mind
Purity of Body

2 Sickles (Kama)
Explorer's Pack
10 Darts (Shuriken)
Holy Symbol
Prayer Book
5 sticks of incense
Common Clothes
15 GP

11th to 15th Level

11th Level - Tranquility, Martial Arts (1d8), +6 HP

12th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Dex, +6 HP

13th Level - Tongue of the Sun and Moon, Proficiency Bonus +5, +6 HP

14th Level - Diamond Soul, Unarmored Movement (+25 ft), +6 HP

15th Level - Timeless Body, +6 HP

Reasoning: Not many real options here. Basic stat increases are a bit important to survival in later stages of the game.

15th Level Statistics

Tiefling Monk 15th Level
Str: 13
Dex: 18
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 16
Cha: 12

HP: 93
AC: 17

Proficiency Bonus: +5

Initiative: +3

Hellish Resistance
Winged - Fly Speed 30 ft

Armor Proficiencies: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Short Swords
Tools: Reed Pipes, Thieves Tools
Saving Throws:Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, Intelligence, Wisdom, Charisma
Languages: Common, Infernal, Two Others

Proficient Skills
Acrobatics (Monk) +9
Athletics (Monk) +6
Insight (Acolyte) +8
Religion (Acolyte) +6

Background: Acolyte

Feats: Athlete

Class Abilities
Unarmored Defense
Martial Arts (1d8)
Ki: 15 Points
Flurry of Blows
Patient Dodge
Step of the Wind
Unarmored Movement (55 ft - Vertical and Liquid Movement)
Monastic Tradition: Open Palm
Open Hand Technique
Deflect Missiles
Extra Attack
Stunning Strike
Ki-Empowered Strikes
Wholeness of Body (30)
Stillness of Mind
Purity of Body
Tongue of the Sun and Moon
Diamond Soul
Timeless Body

2 Sickles (Kama)
Explorer's Pack
10 Darts (Shuriken)
Holy Symbol
Prayer Book
5 sticks of incense
Common Clothes
15 GP

16th to 20th Level 

16th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Dex, +6 HP

17th Level - Quivering Palm, Martial Arts (1d10), Proficiency Bonus +6, +6 HP

18th Level - Empty Body, Unarmored Movement (+30 ft), +6 HP

19th Level - Ability Score Improvement: +2 Wis, +6 HP

20th Level - Perfect Self, +6 HP

Reasoning: Still not really much room to put in another Feat so there wasn't much in the way of a choice involved here.

20th Level Statistics

Tiefling Monk 20th Level
Str: 13
Dex: 20
Con: 12
Int: 12
Wis: 18
Cha: 12

HP: 123
AC: 19

Proficiency Bonus: +6

Initiative: +3

Hellish Resistance
Winged - Fly Speed 30 ft

Armor Proficiencies: None
Weapons: Simple Weapons, Short Swords
Tools: Reed Pipes, Thieves Tools
Saving Throws:Strength, Dexterity
Languages: Common, Infernal, Two Others

Proficient Skills
Acrobatics (Monk) +11
Athletics (Monk) +7
Insight (Acolyte) +10
Religion (Acolyte) +7

Background: Acolyte

Feats: Athlete

Class Abilities
Unarmored Defense
Martial Arts (1d10)
Ki: 20 Points
Flurry of Blows
Patient Dodge
Step of the Wind
Unarmored Movement (50 ft - Vertical and Liquid Movement)
Monastic Tradition: Open Palm
Open Hand Technique
Deflect Missiles
Extra Attack
Stunning Strike
Ki-Empowered Strikes
Wholeness of Body (30)
Stillness of Mind
Purity of Body
Tongue of the Sun and Moon
Diamond Soul
Timeless Body
Quivering Palm
Empty Body
Perfect Self

Sickle (Kama)
Explorer's Pack
10 Darts (Shuriken)
Holy Symbol
Prayer Book
5 sticks of incense
Common Clothes
15 GP

Some 5e Builds

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